burgbad Orell Badezimmer header 1
burgbad badmoebel orell badansicht

Intriguing looks, sophisticated functions. One striking feature of Orell is the concave long-line handle on the vanity cabinets. The integrated and convenient recessed pull is used to open and close both the top and bottom pullouts. The attractive colour options for the long-line handles – from neutral white to various metallic shades – provide plenty of scope for creative bathroom design.

burgbad badmoebel Orell hochschrank T0010 HSES050
› Sideboards & Cabinets
› Washbasins
› Mirror cabinets
› Mirrors
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Take a closer look at Orell.
Choose which basins, furniture and other elements you want for your bathroom.

burgbad badmoebel Orell spiegelschrank SPIJ040

Accentuation made easy. Colour contrasts, an interplay of open and closed furniture surfaces, indirect or additional lighting for mirror cabinets and shelving elements – Orell is a veritable magic set for creating bathrooms with a special flair. And thanks to the different washbasin depths available (500mm and 440mm), this design line is ideal for smaller spaces and guest bathrooms as well.